Comprehensive Eye Exams
We offer comprehensive eye exams for all members of your family which includes retinal photos, tonometry readings, disease diagnostic and an accurate glasses prescription. Our office is also equipped with Visual Field and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) machine used for additional testing as recommended by our optometrist.
Medical Needs
Our Optometrists perform medical eye examinations on any infections or abrasions to the eye. Furthermore, our Doctor's will provide referrals to excellent ophthalmologists if deemed necessary.
Contact Lenses
Eye Appeal is fully equipped with a variety of contact lens brands to best suit your eye needs and a team that can help train new contact lens wearers! Brands include: Acuvue Oasys, Biofinity, Air Optiks, Freshlook Colours & many more.
Laser Eye Surgery
If you are looking for an alternative to traditional eye wear, corrective eye surgery may be an option for you! Come visit our office for a referral and information on laser eye surgery.
(403) 394-2020 | FAX: 403.942.5013 | #140 876 Heritage Blvd W Lethbridge T1K 8G1 | Copyright © 2016 | Vision Links